Special Issue Description

Authors : Ashish Suryaprakash Gade.

Page Nos : 1-7

Description :
The ongoing spread of COVID-19 has become one of the biggest threats to the global economy and financial markets. To contain the impact of the corona virus outbreak, India, like many countries across the globe, is taking several measures, including a nationwide lockdown; limiting movement of the entire population; shutting down public places and transport; and urging the public to stay indoors, maintain social distance, and work from home. The resulting economic disruption is huge and the short-term decline in activity for businesses, large and small, considerable. This Paper understands the online trading methods and opportunity in online trading. Researcher will have a quick overview on online trading and its transactions. Money is one the most important means to fulfill our needs and wants. The means to satisfy our needs and wants are currencies of different types that are issued by the governments of a country and then they are exchanged in lieu of products and services. The debate on Cashless transactions and the merits of a “cashless” economy engaged public attention in India in the past year. This paper steers the debate towards articulating an appropriate strategy that can maintain social distancing through “cashless transaction”. The paper begins with an exposition of the theoretical model of the corona virus, identifying a set of core structural parameters that determine a nation’s readiness to make the paradigmatic shift from being offline trading to online trading in India. It reviews India’s performance on these parameters and demarcates sources of deficiency at the time of covid-19.

Date of Online: 30 July 2020